
Major issues

These involve obtaining approval from the Commonwealth Department of Environment. the Company and a number of private individuals have lodged with the Commonwealth, the following referrals :
Glen Ora Estate Development, Sunshine North (EPBC 2017_June)
Update A
Document Name | Status |
Brimbank Council Report [06 December 2019] | |
Letter to Glen Ora Landowners [02 October 2019] | |
Solomon Heights - Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy Ruling and Update [27 April 2019] | |
Solomon Heights - Draft Industrial Strategy Report [03 March 2019] | |
Glen Ora Pty Ltd v Brimbank City Council Judgement Supreme Court [19 Nov 2018] | |
Stone wall erection - rubbish dump prevention & native vegetation preservation [1 Nov 2018] | |
Stone wall erection Letter [31 Oct 2018] | |
Response to Council Report 12.9 dated 21 August 2018 | |
Court Order [14 August 2018] | |
Letter to Savvas Christodoulou [4 July 2018] | |
Local Government Act 1989 Section 163 | |
Local Government Act 1989 Section 163B | |
Letter to Lot Owners [25 June 2018] | |
Letter to Lot Owners [13 June 2018] | |
Court Order [5 June 2018] | |
Letter to Lot Owners [22 May 2018] | |
Letter to Lot Owners [21 May 2018] | |
Letter to Lot Owners [14 May 2018] | Letter to Lot Owners [11 May 2018] |
Images 23-01-2016 | |
Image - 09-03-18 | |
Letter to Adjoining Landowners [19 September 2017] | |
Letter to Adjoining Landowners [19 June 2017] | |
Letter to Adjoining Landowners | |
Sub-division | |
Termed as Australia's Birmingham |